When the FASB and IASB decided in July to prepare a second Exposure Draft for the proposed new lease accounting standard, they expected to finish all the loose ends in September and release the RED (Revised Exposure Draft) soon after. Oops, here we go again. The whole history of this new standard has been one of delays: when the project was announced in 2006, it was supposed to be completed in 2009.
Even before the meeting, the boards realized they weren't going to be able to do everything this month. (There was no joint meeting in August; it's not clear whether the month off was considered in their July timeline.) But the agenda for this month included the plan to bring "all remaining redeliberation issues to the boards in the October joint board meeting." Now Asset Finance International is reporting that the boards want more time to redeliberate the remaining issues, and that it might take until next February to issue the RED, with a final standard of course being several months after that (to allow time for public comment, then redeliberation). It's not clear what their basis is for this projection; the FASB's Technical Plan still has a Q4 estimated publication date for the RED (with the notation that this was updated 9/23/11), though it doesn't list any date for the final standard. However, some decisions due this month were either completely deferred or have loose ends dangling.
Decisions made at the Sep. 19 and Sep. 21 joint board meetings:
Scope - inventory
Some people had suggested that the right-of-use asset for a lease could in some cases also meet the definition of inventory, and would be subject to potentially conflicting standards. The boards decided that the situation doesn't really seem possible, and therefore there's no need to prepare guidance to distinguish.
Financial asset guidance application to lessor's right to receive payments
A major concern of the boards is keeping accounting consistent between different types of transactions. The lessor's right to receive rent payments could be considered a financial asset. The boards decided that such standards (specifically, IFRS 9, IAS 39, and US GAAP Topic 825) should not apply to regular measurement of the receivable, but would apply to impairment. This also confirms the previous decision that fair value measurement/revision is not permitted for the receivable.
Lessor impairment
For the lessor receivable, the impairment standard for the applicable GAAP environment (Topic 310 for U.S. preparers, IAS 39 for IFRS) applies. For the residual asset, IAS 36 and Topic 360 apply; for US preparers, this indicates impairment is handled in a manner congruent with property, plant, & equipment, rather than intangibles. This is basically the same as lessee treatment.
Lessor balance sheet presentation
Lessors will be required to report all their leased assets, both receivables and residuals, as a "Lease Assets" line in PP&E. Lessors may choose whether to separate the receivables and residuals in the balance sheet, or footnote the detail. Sublease assets should be shown separately.
Subsequent adjustments of variable rents, lessor
The recalculation of variable rent payments due to changes in a rate or index (such as changes in LIBOR or the CPI) can result in a gain or loss. That is to be recognized immediately in profit & loss, rather than being rolled into the asset (as is largely the case for lessees).
Lessor accounting for residual value guarantees
The boards agreed that a residual value guarantee would not be separately recognized (whether provided by the lessee or a third party). It would be taken into account in determining the value of the residual asset, including testing for impairment.
Lessor cash flow statement
Lease payments are classified as operating (not investing) activities. An exception was made, however, for cash flows related to securitized receivables, which would be accounted for under existing guidance.
Transition, lessees
The ED called for lessees to capitalize the remaining rents on all operating leases, with an equal asset and liability set up at the date of initial application. (Note: the effective date is when the standard takes effect; the date of initial application is the date, two years prior for most US companies, as of which leases have to be treated as capital for comparison purposes.) The problem with this for the income statement is that because it treats all (formerly operating) leases as new on the date of initial application, all of those leases will be at the beginning of the interest amortization curve, when the interest recognized is highest. This means that all lessees would face considerably higher expenses than rent payment as of initial application (with expenses dropping over time, as the principal is paid down and interest correspondingly declines).
It was recognized that this results in artificial swings in expenses. For a lessee with a mix of leases starting and ending roughly evenly from year to year, the overall lease expense profile should be relatively flat, even as each individual lease shows more expense in the early years and less in the later years.
In looking for ways to mitigate this, the staffs presented to the boards two alternatives:
1) full retrospective approach
2) modified retrospective approach (distinguished from the ED's "simplified retrospective approach")
Full retrospective is seen as theoretically preferable. However, it is recognized that for some preparers, this may be difficult to execute. One particularly challenging scenario is leases that have been acquired in a business combination, where the original information for the lease may no longer be available. Long-lived leases may have similar issues. Therefore, the staffs proposed a modified methodology, where the liability would be calculated as the ED specified (present value of remaining rents, using the incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial application), and the asset would use the same calculation back to inception, then recognize the fractional amount of the lease term remaining.
Transition example (provided in Agenda Paper 2G/203):
(Please note: I calculate slightly different present values, using an HP12C or Excel, than the agenda paper presents. In the example below, I list first their calculation, then my calculation in parentheses with an asterisk.)
10 year lease, payments of 1000 CU (generic Currency Units) yearly in arrears
interest rate of 5.7%
date of initial application: beginning of 5th year (i.e., 6 years remaining)
present value of rents at inception: 7,472 (*7,466)
present value of rents at application: 4,967 (*4,964)
asset at application: 7,472 * 6 / 10 = 4,483 (*4,479)
The difference between the asset and obligation would be taken as a "cumulative catch-up adjustment." I believe this would be booked directly to retained earnings, not recognized in profit and loss. Because of the way the interest method works, every lease (except possibly a lease that has lower rents at the end of its life) will book a charge to retained earnings to be set up, so the cost of reducing the impact to the income statement is increasing the impact on the balance sheet (debt/equity ratios will balloon even further). Pick your poison.
The boards, however, didn't pick their poison. They deferred the decision to next month, asking to combine the decision with transition rules for lessors and subleases.
The staffs also suggested a few simplifications: 1) leases that terminate between the date of initial application and the effective date would not have to be restated; 2) exclude initial direct costs for leases that start before the effective date; 3) allow use of hindsight in estimating such lease characteristics as variable lease payments, renewals, and impairment. These will be considered as part of the entire transition package.
This kind of continued change is why no software publisher can claim to be compliant with the new lease accounting standard yet. It's a moving target. But we'll update EZ13 once decisions are finalized; in the meantime, EZ13 allows you to treat operating leases as capital, either from inception or as of a specified cutover date as specified in the original ED, to estimate what your exposure is.
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