Friday, October 21, 2011

Exposure Draft delayed to 2012

The FASB & IASB have updated their project schedules to indicate that the revised exposure draft (RED) will be released in Q1 2012. That's another delay of three months from what was expected when they announced in July that a RED would be released. The Equipment Lease and Financing Association is reporting that the comment period will be a full 120 days; there had been speculation that the comment period might be shorter the second time around. That means that the comment period won't end until near the end of Q2. With time for redeliberation, that suggests that the final standard won't be out until late in 2012.

It's yet the latest delay in an oft-delayed project. When originally announced back in 2006, the boards expected to be done in 2009. The latest delay could affect the implementation date; speculation recently has focused on 2015 as the implementation date, but given the planned requirement to restate the prior two years of comparable financials, that means there could be just weeks between the release of the standard and when (1/1/2013) leases will effectively need to be reported under it. During those two years until actual implementation, bookings will be done under current standards, but companies will need to make sure they keep complete information on their leases to enable recreating their accounting under the new methodology. Of course, with the active consideration of full retrospective accounting (though probably not to be required, just optional), it would be good to be keeping information right now on any leases that you expect to remain active into 2015. (It is expected that leases that expire before implementation won't need to be recalculated.)

The boards held a lengthy meeting this week on leases, but I don't have time to review the 5 hours of recordings, and my normal sources haven't yet posted summaries of the events.

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